In 2017 we celebrate the 20th year that we organise the DARE events in Cartagena. For this occasion, we organize the DARE 2017 REMEMBER CARTAGENA ANNIVERSARY EVENING for all DARE Cartagena-goers of the past 19 years and their partners on Saturday 21 January 2017 start 19.00 (participation rate all inclusive: food, drink, sleep, breakfast € 125.00 per person, single room € 140.00, if you do not stay the night, you pay € 75.00).
THE absolute unique opportunity to meet each other again, to pick up on old memories and talk about motorcycling, etc. etc. and to eat delicious food and have some drinks in Cartagena style!
We hereby invite all D.A.R.E.-Cartagena-goers for our D.A.R.E. 2017 REMEMBER CARTAGENA ANNIVERSARY EVENING in restaurant “de Lange Waard” in Zeddam in the Netherlands (near the German border, see the website for directions: http://www.delangewaard.nl).
PLEASE LET US KNOW ASAP if we can count on your (and your partners) attendance !
Send your confirmation of participation to info@docshop-racing.com indicating full name of participant (s) and if you want to stay overnight and transfer your participation fee before December 15, 2016 to our german bank account at the nispa in Wesel, Germany, in the name of SMD / Docshop Racing, Arnhem, NL: IBAN DE88 3565 0000 0000 315 101 (BIC WELADED1WES)
We expect to see you and also (finally) your partner on this 2017 REMEMBER CARTAGENA ANNIVERSARY EVENING!